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Shagang Culture

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History Wall

The history wall reveals the development of Shagang over the past 25 years. The tough times are artistically recorded, as are the crowning moments of success. The history wall carries forward the corporation’s business philosophy, spirit, morality and objectives, as well as praising the contributions of Shagang’s workers to the company’s growth.  
The first history wall is on the east side of the elevated garden, built in October 2000 for the 25th anniversary of the company. With a series of relief sculptures, it artistically presents the still-developing journey of Shagang. On the other side the wall is a lengthy report, which was published in the People’s Daily under the title Becoming Strong in an Adventurous Market Without Receiving Financial Assistance From the State. It presents the evolution of Shagang, from a small workshop into a giant steel mill.
There are another six walls positioned in a symmetrical pattern on both sides of the square axis, in front of Shagang’s main administration office, built in October 2005 for the 30th anniversary of the company. The six walls are covered with marble panels, on which six articles are inscribed,"The Cross-Century Leap is about the winner of the 'National May 1st Labor Award' Shen Wenrong and Shagang Group", "Standing on the Shoulders of this Era, about an outstanding party member of Jiangsu Province, President of Shagang Group Shen Wenrong", "Life Can be Like This", "Shagang Manifesto – Shagang’s Vision for the Next 25 Years", "Shagang and the Successful Practice of Development in a Scientific Way – Written When Shagang Celebrates its 29th Anniversary", "Preface for The Cross-Century Leap – Shen Wenrong and the Shagang Miracle".
Background:At the end of the last century, after the Cross-Century Projects started operating, Shagang became a steel mill with a 800,000 ton iron making capacity, 3.5 million ton steel making and 4.5 million ton rolling capacity. As a leader of China’s steel industry, a number of the most advanced technologies and processes were implemented at Shagang. These included: Hot metal charging into EAF; a 100% steel refining process with secondary metallurgy; 100% continuous casting + hot charging; and a 100% continuous rolling without breakdown process. That was the moment that we could claim that Shagang truly had become a player in the worldwide steel industry. Many articles and reports have been written about the steel industry and its development, and the stories on the walls are part of the history.


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