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Shagang Culture

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The Exploring Bull

Spirit of the corporation of Self-reliance, fighting in arduous conditions, daring to innovate; continually attaining a higher level, is demonstrated by this massive bull in a most vivid way. The metal statue is situated in front of the corporation’s gymnasium, built in October 2000 for the 25th anniversary of the corporation. The bull weighs 5.8 tons, has a length of 7.18m and is 3.38m in height. The head of the bull is designed to stare at the ground, where Shagang’s business started, while the two horns face up to the sky, indicating our vision.
Background: In 1999 Shagang decided to implement the Cross-Century Project, “Revamp the Old Facilities, Build the North Zone,” including construction of two mini-mills, comprising the meltshop and wire rod mill, each 1 million tons, and implementation of hot metal charging, plus building harbor facilities for large ocean vessels. In less than three years all scheduled projects were completed. The spirit and mental strength of the corporation were our guide and driving force in turning a small self-financed rolling workshop costing RMB 450,000, into a major steel mill, with a 1.5 million ton production capacity.



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